Windows 8 Store: må ha en-US i listen av språk på maskinen

September 13, 2012


(This post is in Norwegian. For a short English summary, scroll to the bottom of the post)

Når du installerer Windows 8, er det viktig at du har installert en-US som språk, og ikke bare norsk. Hvis ikke, vil Windows Store være så og si tom når du browser eller søker i den. For å finne oppsettet trykk Win, Win + F, søk etter “language” i “settings”.

Langauge settings

Uten dette, er det fint lite å finne i Windows Store (per september 2012):

No apps

(Summary in English: if you are not native to the US, make sure you have en-US installed as a language in Windows 8. It does not have to be the preferred language. Otherwise, the Windows Store will probably have very little apps – only apps that explicitly supports your native language/culture).

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Written by Vidar Kongsli who is a software professional living in Oslo, Norway. Works as a consultant, system architect and developer at Bredvid. You should follow him on Twitter